Growing up in the Bronx in New York City, the diverse sounds and sights outside my bedroom window framed my world. The Sunday morning organ from the Methodist church below us would wake me up in our five-story walk-up. That window was everything to me; I spent afternoons observing the hustle and bustle of my neighbors' lives. I think my love for observation began there. It all transformed into expression one Christmas when, after much pleading, I received my first Casio keyboard. Music became the lens through which I started to understand and make sense of the world. This early connection with music laid the foundation for my creative path. As I evolved from musician to filmmaker, my focus shifted to visual storytelling, retaining that deep sense of observation and interpretation. Now in Los Angeles, my journey continues with a commitment to crafting honest and impactful narratives. I'm enamored by the grandeur in the smallest moments of everyday life and the unspoken truths that define them.